Hace ya 10 años que se nos fue el artista y poeta argentino Edgardo Antonio Vigo, xilógrafo, poeta experimental, editor incansable, artecorreísta o "trabajador en la comunicación a distancia" como solía llamarlo, constructor de "objetos inútiles y máquinas extrañas", innovador constante, pensador y teórico y otras variedades no ovacionadas en arte.
A comienzos de los 70s. se integra a los nacientes circuitos del arte correo siendo uno de sus más constantes creadores hasta el día de su muerte. La dictadura militar de su país le golpea duramente al hacer desaparecer a su hijo mayor, Palomo Vigo y, fue a partir de este desgraciado hecho, que su obra cobra un carácter fuertemente político a la par que aumentan sus contactos con el exterior, difundiendo la brutal represión y delitos de lesa humanidad de aquella feroz dictadura.
Su poema visual "Sembrar la memoria" se convirtió en un emblema de la resistencia a la arbitrariedad e insanía institucional. En los últimos años, su obra vuelve a la luz, en la Fundación San Telmo (1991) en donde expone sus obras mayores y, en 1994, es seleccionado para integrar el envío argentino a la XXII Bienal de San Pablo, Brasil, logrando el reconocimiento mundial a ese nivel.
Ante tan magno acontecimiento invitamos a los artistas y poetas de todo el mundo a adherirse a esta recuerdo humilde enviando una sola obra, de cualquier carácter (que pueda contenerse en uno o dos archivos JPEG de 200 Kb o en un WORD de 3 páginas, únicamente) que resuma su homenaje a tan insigne artista cuyo mayor mérito fue insuflarnos el afán por la libertad enfrentándonos a la disyuntiva de tener que optar entre las variadas posibilidades de significación (incluso de alterar el sentido) que ofrecían sus obras y asumir y concretar así, a través de la elección personal, nuestra genuina naturaleza hacia la libertad.
Realizar los envíos por email a:
Fecha límite: 31 DE ABRIL 2007. Las obras serán desplegadas en http://boek861.com
Si Usted desea enviar su homenaje en formato físico, enviar a:
Clemente Padín
C.C.Central 1211
11000 Montevideo - URUGUAY
quien lo escaneará y lo enviará a BOEK861. Gracias de antemano.
Edgardo Antonio Vigo died in 1997 when he was close to 70 years of age, in La Plata, the city in which he was born. An xylophonist, experimental poet, conceptualist, builder of "useless objects and strange machines", a constant innovator whose work was only very recently discovered, he has become a source of constant surprise, because of the almost indescribable nature of his proposals. He also cultivated forms, such as mail art and experimental poetry, which are even today considered sub-artistic, or simply not considered art at all by vernacular criticism.
In the early 70s Vigo joined the nascent circuits of Mail Art, becoming one of its most active participants until the day of his death. The military dictatorship in his country dealt him a cruel blow when one of his sons, Palomo Vigo, disappeared and it is from that tragic event onwards that his work acquired a strong political tone, as he extended his contacts abroad, spreading information about the brutal repression and crimes against humanity committed by that fierce dictatorship. His visual poem Sembrar la Memoria (Sowing Memories) is emblematic in front injustice and institutional illness. In later years his work came to light again, when he exhibited individually at the San Telmo Foundation (1991) where he presented a retrospective of his major works. In 1994 he was chosen to be part of the Argentine contribution to the 22nd São Paulo Biennial (Brazil) where he received worldwide reconnaissance
In front so important event we invited artists and poets of everybody to adhere to this humble memory sending an only work, of any character (that could control in one or two JPEG files of 200 Kb or in a WORD file of 3 pages, only) that abridge his/her homage to so famous artist whose merit was give us the toil for liberty confronting us to opcional of having to opt between the varied possibilities of signification (included altering its sense) that his works offered and take on and state explicitly so, through the personal election, our genuine nature to freedom.
Send your artwork by email to:
Deadline: April 30, 2007. All the artworks will be in http://boek861.com
If you desire to send your homage in physical format, send:
Clemente Padín
C.C.Central 1211
11000 Montevideo - URUGUAY
who will scan it and will send it to BOEK861. Thanks in advance.
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