Opening Fall 2007
Proposals due by August 3, 2007
Each day brings news of another environmental crisis be it the impending shortage of potable water, global warming or the rapid extinction of another species of animal or plant. In Fall of 2007, Exit Art will launch S.E.A. (Social-Environmental-Aesthetics) a new program committed to presenting artistic visions that suggest solutions or envision new possibilities to this environmental crisis; art with a purpose.
E.P.A. (Environmental Performance Actions) - the first exhibition project of S.E.A. - will present documentation of environmental performances and actions in the Exit Underground: a digital video lounge, performance and music space, and a green boat bar. We are looking for documentation - photographs, texts, video and ephemera - from performances that addressed contemporary environmental issues in a substantial way.
EPA is a joint project of Exit Art and Ecoartspace (Amy Lipton and Tricia Watts, Curators)
How to Apply:
Please submit a page description of the documented performance; documentation of the performance (10 slides or images on CD - please send images at low resolution to open quickly or 3-5 minute NTSC VHS or DVD); and a resume. Include a self addressed stamped envelope for the return of your work and an email address for notification purposes. Exit Art is not responsible for returning works submitted without a SASE.
Send Submissions to:
Exit Art
475 Tenth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Or email
No phone calls please.

Proposals due by October 15, 2007
The most exciting frontiers in science today are explorations dealing with the brain – a mysterious universe beginning to be illuminated. Thought to be the most complex form of matter in the universe, the brain has many mysteries. The 21st century has seen rapid developments in neuroscience causing scientists and theologians to reconsider the complex and often ephemeral relationship between cognition and emotion. The brain is the engine of creativity. It functions as the vital organ of faith, the source of all conception.
How does the brain, a conceptual organ, control our predilections?
How does the brain separate natural impulses from the drive of humanity?
How does the brain work to express emotions?
Exit Art is looking for artists who are visualizing and investigating the physical and metaphorical functions of the brain. Artists can propose works that depict and explore the mysteries of the brain as they relate to consciousness, emotion, memory, physical perception, sensory experiences, and aesthetics.
How to Apply:
Please submit a page description of the documented performance; documentation of the performance (10 slides or images on CD - please send images at low resolution to open quickly or 3-5 minute NTSC VHS or DVD); and a resume. Include a self addressed stamped envelope for the return of your work and an email address for notification purposes. Exit Art is not responsible for returning works submitted without a SASE.
Send Submissions to:
Exit Art
475 Tenth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Or email
No phone calls please.
Exit Art currently works with a curatorial model called ConceptPlus, which begins with a theme or concept that is then publicized through a call for proposals. Join our email list to receive information on future opportunities for artists, as well as our exhibitions and programs.
For each ConceptPlus show, we issue an international call for artists to propose new or newly-contextualized work in response to a given theme or cultural condition. The exhibition is then curated by Exit Art’s founder/directors Jeanette Ingberman and Papo Colo, who view all the proposals for new work and work samples submitted by artists (as many as 600 for each show) and select projects to be presented and/or commissioned for the exhibition. Every artist who submits a proposal has equal access to the curators, regardless of their previous experience, making ConceptPlus a highly democratic curatorial model. Recent ConceptPlus exhibitions at Exit Art have addressed ideas ranging from the reconstruction of global cities (Exit Biennial: Reconstruction, 2003) to the image of America's highest office (The Presidency, 2004), to contemporary Latino icons (L-Factor, 2005). A fundamental precept of the ConceptPlus model is to remove barriers to cultural participation by creating exhibition opportunities limited only by the artistic idea itself. As we have implemented this model over the past two years, Exit Art has seen a dramatic rise in both the number and geographic diversity of artists submitting proposals in response to our open calls. ConceptPlus also enables us to directly support the production of new work, as an increasing proportion of artists propose new projects that are commissioned exclusively for Exit Art exhibitions.
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