|  |  |  |  | | A WEEKEND OF "LANGUAGE" ARTS AT OUR 2ND SYMPOSIUM Dance vocabularies. Cultural exchanges. Art languages. This year's Symposium— How Do You Mean? Culture in Translation—takes inspiration from choreographer Emily Johnson and visual artist Anna Craycroft to explore the complexity of constructing and communicating meaning across the divides of languages, cultures, and artistic disciplines. Join us for lectures, dances, workshops, panels, dinners, and more—it's an interdisciplinary weekend of ideas and experiences. FRIDAY, JUNE 7 Opening night dinner & launch of Anna Craycroft's C'mon Language project
SATURDAY, JUNE 8 Emily Johnson Movement workshop, Richard Taylor lecture, Dean Daderko & Carlota Ribas globalization panel, Emily Johnson's Niicugni performance
SUNDAY, JUNE 9 Jacqueline Shea Murphy talk, cultural specificity panel, Harrell Fletcher & Emily Johnson co-performance, Keith Hennessy closing remarks, Emily Johnson's Niicugni performance VISIT PICA.ORG FOR MORE DETAILS ON INDIVIDUAL EVENTS & TIMES | | | EMILY JOHNSON/CATALYST: NIICUGNI Don't miss Alaska-born and Minneapolis-based choreographer (and TBA:10 favorite!) Emily Johnson, who returns to Portland with a layered performance of dance, live music, and stories, housed within an installation of fish-skin lanterns and original instruments. JUNE 8, 8PM & JUNE 9, 6PM BODYVOX, 1201 NW 17TH AVENUE $16 MEMBERS/$20 GENERAL ONLINE | | | FIELD GUIDE: A NEW, SOCIAL EDUCATION SERIES ON DANCE Join us for the first of our new Field Guide:Dance sessions on June 8th, where an intimate group of curious audience members will gather for a participatory workshop, discussion, and dinner in conjunction will Emily Johnson's performance, led by visiting Bay Area choreographer Keith Hennessy. JUNE 8, 6-10:00PM BODYVOX, 1201 NW 17TH AVENUE $24 MEMBERS/$30 GENERAL ONLINE (INCLUDES DINNER & TICKET TO EMILY JOHNSON) | | | Craycroft's evolving installation will host a summer-long series of workshops and lectures by artists, scholars, and educators, building a cumulative glossary of images and metaphors, and contributing to the development of a common language. JUNE 7–SEPTEMBER 29 PICA, 415 SW 10TH AVE Sign up for our C'mon Language emails to stay informed of the (nearly) weekly visiting artists, and mark your calendars for these events in June: | | | FISH SKIN LANTERN WORKSHOP WITH EMILY JOHNSON Following Johnson's performance of Niicugni, she'll offer a four-day workshop sharing her knowledge of Yup'ik salmon skin sewing, a craft she learned from Alaskan artist Audrey Armstrong and used to create the lanterns in her performance. Participants will have the opportunity to make their own one-of-a-kind lantern to take home and enjoy a salmon feast on the PICA deck with fellow participants, family and friends. JUNE 10-13, NOON-5PM PSU ART BUILDING, 1201 NW 17TH AVENUE LIMITED TO 12 PARTICIPANTS $100 TO COVER SALMON & SUPPLIES (SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE) CONTACT ERIN@PICA.ORG TO REGISTER
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