![]() Papo Colo Mystifarian: Visual GEST / GESTOS visuales Auto / performance Title: Partir / Depart ![]() Placing two suitcases One with the inscription, New York City The other Florida Hanging In my balcony With proper lighting, (shadows or bright light depends angle) A clear metaphor For the thousands of Puertoricans (labors and professional) Leaving the island mainly for these two states ![]() The apt. is in front of palm trees and sea, pleasure, leisure, meditation forsake for the incertitude of a familiar metropolis. The necessity of going beyond the horizon The adventure of of reinvention Puerto Rico is a political anomaly in the USA government And one of the most dense populated places in the world (30) 1072 habitant per sq. miles Converge with desire of lost and gain Diaspora, knowledge / New information recreated by exposure to the unknown. ![]() Partir / Depart is subtle poetic intervention Not advertisement. Manipulation of Place, object and words recreated the vortex Of the come and go. (For viewer auto / perform for real and imagine) ![]() people created autoperformance when they see Partir/ Depart. They have done or imagine Doing it ! (pack suitcases / going away / new life) Working THE IMAGE of memory , as time pass At 35,000 feet up and 600 miles an hour. Back and forth, carousel turn around In a tunnel of snow and sand Hot and cold, Spanish / English, ying and yang, intertwine. LIVING with all that information / contradiction ...bless we do not know what to do, OR do we know? ![]() "Yo soy un hombre sincero de donde crece la palma y antes de morirme quiero cantar mis versos del alma." J.M. ![]() Governor and mayor used this road To san juan. Autoperformance; Vision gestures that Manipulated objects, people and places to created new meaning of multiple readings. ![]() ![]() Puerta de Tierra / San Juan Yunque rain forest / New York, New York Guest curator: Rosita Garcia Press information: 9177233523 |

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