Why the f#@k not PPODCAST - Episode 6: Abraham Lubelski and New York Arts

if you don't see anything jump straight to http://www.stefpasquini.com/ppodcast/ thanks

Episode 6 is a relaxed interview with Abraham Lubelski, artist and founder of New York Arts Magazine. Amongst nice Myspace tunes he tells you all about why he felt the need to start a magazine and its philosophical implications. Be brave, download it here.  
Names dropped:  Abraham Lubelsky, Constantin Brancusi, Dufus, Flights of the Conchords, Frank Meyer, Käthes Schmerz, John Perreault, Life Magazine, Michio Kaku, Moma, Skype, The Repercussions, Vito Acconci. 
Web dropped:   www.acconci.comwww.brancusi.comwww.johnperreault.comwww.wikipedia.org/Frank_Meyerwww.life.comwww.mkaku.orgwww.moma.orgwww.myspace.com/conchordswww.myspace.com/dufuswww.myspace.com/kaethesschmerzwww.myspace.com/therepercussionswww.nyartsmagazine.com 

If you received this email and you have no idea who I am you must be in my address book by mistake. Send me some insults and I will remove you. www.stefanopasquini.net 


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Blah Di dà

A certain something