crosswork debate platform is one, the modality with which activating new synergies.
crosswork it is a format, a device of sharing with the public.
crosswork it is I invite to construct, through the participation to this process, a space of relations.
crosswork it is the opened, mobile archives and in progress that it collects written, critical images, designs, annotations, tests, witnesses us, it converses, storys, diagrams and other: the only binding elements in order to collaborate to the plan are the A3 format and an indication of identity.
IMPORTANT: dead the linens improrogabile for the shipment of the materials june is fixed for the 30.
crosswork it is opened to anyone wants to leave just the contribution.
crosswork it is born to the inside of the School of Specialization in History of the Art of the University of Bologna and will be introduced in the university spaces of the Complex of Cristina Saint. In occasion of the publication of the Yearbooks of the School, the 12 July 2006 will carry out one series of co-ordinate activities: Videoart Yearbook 2006, kermesse of a three evenings dedicated to the production personal of Nanni Menetti and, like custom from a devised curatoriale plan, one, Italian video pair years of the specializzandi during the History course of the held Contemporary Architecture from Mario Lupano
All the reached, visionati materials and select to you, will be introduce the 12 to you July. To ridosso of the opening a workshop will be carried out that, in a flexible dimension and of laboratoriale type, structures a preparation of all the A3, prints to you and reshapes to you like matter of the installation, ephemeral, evanescente, that prolifera like an open process. A plan in its declination acclimatizes them that it becomes a volumetria, habitable, practicable, a space to act, to cross and to make use.
They work to the plan: Carlotta War, Immaculate Laino, Maria Giovanna Mancini, Elvira Vannini
Just fill in name, occupation, email address on http://www.crosswork.unibo.it/ and you'll get an email explaining what to do. If it's in Italian just go to http://world.altavista.com/ and have it translated. Enjoy!
Deadline is June 30th, I believe.
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