Call for Artists to realize joint research projects in Research labs and R&D unitsThis is a call for artists to collaborate on joint research projects with Research Labs and R&D units in Spain (Basque Country)
Download the application: http://www.disonancias.com
Collaboration period: from September 2006 to February 2007
The call for artists to participate in DISONANCIAS 2006 is now open.
DISONANCIAS (Art and innovation) is the second round of this art and industry collaboration project located in the Basque Country, Spain. The project seeks to promote the diversification in relation to the process of innovation inside research labs and R & D units here, based on the potentials of experience and exchange generated by the relationship with artists.Ten artists will be chosen to collaborate with research teams in companies and labs, in order to encourage "deviations and dissonances" from the regular logical thought and action processes, in the hope of leading to a news definition of prototypes for different products or different approaches toward production.
The deadline for applications is 5 July 2006.
We encourage artists to apply who normally work on collective and relational projects and/or on projects related to science and technology.The Jury consists of Roger Malina, astrophysicist at the Laboratory of Spatial Astronomy of the CNRS at Marseille (France), and executive editor of Leonardo publications on Arts and Sciences, Jill Scott, Director of "The Artistsinlabs" project and professor and vice director of Z-node PHD Program in Art and Science at the Institute of Cultural Studies in Art, Media and design at the Academy of Art and Design in Zurich (Switzerland) and Santi Eraso, Director of Arteleku (Public Art Centre) in Donostia - San Sebastian (Spain).10 companies and research labs participating in the project have defined the field / concept / material / technology and / or processes they wish the applying artists to investigate:1. Researching concepts. Creative concepts proposals which relate to the strategic interests of companies / research centers, which may experience unexpected developments:•
Safety: multi-sensorial and secure evacuation of buildings at DAISALUX - http://www.daisalux.com•
Safety (2): researching safe working environments which are able to integrate disabled persons at LEIA - http://www.leia.es/• Multimedia: researching ways of integration between the different media (press, web, TV, radio) of the CORREO GROUP - http://www.elcorreodigital.com
2. Thinking up new products.
This call corresponds to the need to diversify product portfolios and it involves devising new products (mainly for the street and home furniture):• using materials produced by the FORMICA laminate company - http://www.formica.es/• using recycled plastic materials GAIKER Technology Centre - http://www.gaiker.es/• from the ALFA LAN GROUP's own technologies, normally used in making large public sculptures - http://www.alfaarte.com/3. Reinventing formats. This involves seeking out innovative formats which depart from conventional designs. Three formats are related to image, and one to food products:• the audiovisual documentary format at EITB - http://www.eitb.com/• multimedia content for Augmented Reality applications at VICOMTECH - http://www.vicomtech.es/• audiovisual and interactive contents to be sent to personal mobile devices at EUVE - http://www.euve.org/• packaging and merchandising of food products at KAIKU - http://www.kaiku.es/The above collaborations should result in the construction of a prototype or drawings of ideas, or development of new approaches or processes.
The 10 artists (or group of artists) selected will receive a fee of 5.000 euros each, and a minimum of 1.300 euros for travel, food and accommodation. In addition, each artist is entitled to a maximum of 5.000 euros (depending on the project) for expenses driving from the development of the research. The collaborations last 6 months each, alternating virtual and presential relations according to the project’s needs.
Full information on the companies and research centers participating and the rules for participation are available at http://www.disonancias.com
Promoter: XABIDE Group ( http://www.grupoxabide.es).
Main sponsor: SPRI / Basque Government.
Associated bodies: Alava Development Agency / Bai Bizkaia Innovation Agency / Regional Government of Gipuzkoa (Department for Innovation and Knowledge Society).
Collaborators: Arteleku / Spanish Ministry for Culture.
electronic flux corporation / www.e-flux.com
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