The first prize consisting of 5,000 (five thousand) euros will be awarded by an international jury. Minor prizes will also be presented to other participants. Artists of all nationalities and origins from every formative context, born from January 1st, 1971 are able to participate in the final selection.
The performance projects must be sent to the Galleria Civica via email by July 30th, 2006.
Artists born and/or resident in the provinces of Trento, Bolzano, Verona and in Austrian Tyrol have the possibility of a privileged access road to the finals, participating in a pre-selection cycle on September 16th at the Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara. Besides two places in the finals, a prize of 1,000 (one thousand) euros will be awarded.
If you are a young performer and you are interested in participating, please consult the detailed announcement on the website: www.workartonline.net
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