Make a new media cake and eat it too!
Cake is a medium everyone likes - and cake qualifies as a new medium. Get creative with your cake piece, and use technology— project video onto your cake, make your cake play sound, make your cake a self- portrait, make an interactive cake!
The only requirements are that the cake be a finished work of new media art as well as some form of edible desert. The cakes will be juried, and placed in the gallery as formal works of art. A reception will be held at the end of which, the cakes will be documented, and then cut by their respective makers, and eaten by everyone!
Please submit your entries by October 18th 2006 through email to info@axiomart.org and include the following: title of piece, short (one page) resume and bio of artist/artists participating, list of ingredients and materials along with attached plans, specs, and a detailed description of how the cake will look and function. If you are selected as a participating artist, AXIOM will contact you by October 23rd with more details.
AXIOM gallery is the premiere gallery in the Metro-Boston area dedicated exclusively to showcasing emerging and established artists working in new media
For more information about AXIOM gallery please visit www.axiomart.org
Source: Big Red & Shiny
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