An Architektur, Camp for Oppositional Architecture 2006
Theorizing Architectural Resistance, Casco, Utrecht
10 – 11 November, 2006
The small part of the built environment that is subject to planning at all is almost completely controlled by the claims of capitalist utilization: globalized markets and cultures ask for commodified spaces, nation states and corporations require spectacular architectures for representative purposes, the multitude of consumer subjects demands room for individualized privacy.
What¹s left to do?
Theorizing Architectural Resistance
Continuing the Camp for Oppositional Architecture this second congress again looks for possible ways of resistance within the field of architecture and planning. Having brought together practitioners and researchers in Berlin 2004 who exchanged approaches and developed a common basis of discourse on the open idea of oppositional architecture, we now want to further explore the theoretical grounds on which such projects could spread. As part of a series of future Camps each dealing with a specific issue, we this time would like to elaborate the concept of opposition within the field of architecture and planning. The Camp will focus on analytical approaches that invent, explore and reflect on possibilities of architectural resistance that withstand the demands of a capitalist production of space and try to develop a non-affirmative attitude within this powerful contiguity.
Call for papers
An Architektur invites planners, researchers and initiatives active within these fields to present analyses and concepts of oppositional architecture. We seek to discuss researches and statements dealing with the histories, conditions or strategies of architectural resistance with the objective to further develop the project of oppositional architecture: How can we conceptualize the idea of opposition within the field of architecture and planning? In which context or social field, under which prepositions and with which objectives can it be imagined? What are possible stances, strategies or coalitions that have to be taken? What kind of planning methods or design approaches can we think of that are appropriate to contemporary social reality? Which projects can we refer to as a common basis in order to empower our practice? How to resist and oppose the social order from within the profession?
The Camp for Oppositional Architecture 2006 will take place on November 10-11, 2006 at Casco, Utrecht, the Netherlands. The authors of the eight most significant submissions will be asked to present their theses in a 30 minutes lecture. Their travel and accommodation costs will be funded. However, other interesting statements are welcome to be discussed in workshops and have the possibility to be published in a special issue of An Architektur. All events of the Camp are public and free of charge for participants.
Please send a 1-page abstract to cfoa@anarchitektur. The Camp language is English.
Closing date for proposals: October 10, 2006
We are looking forward to your proposals. Join the camp for oppositional architecture!
Casco, Office for Art Design and Theory
Oudegracht 366
3511 PP Utrecht
the Netherlands
phone & fax: +31(0)30 2319995
office hours: Tue - Fri 10 am - 6 pm
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