IDENSITAT 07 starts its fourth edition with a public call for projects by creators who bring proposals in the field of public space from a multidisciplinary perspective, and with the aim of interacting in the social area of the territory in which this project will be promoted.
The public call IDENSITAT 07 is structured around two categories of presentation, having different characteristics and goals. One points towards the production of projects, whereas the other is for projects already done (projects of documentation). Both types are conceived under the motto HOME /AWAY; calling, on the one hand, projects to be developed in Calaf, Manresa or Mataró (Barcelona) and which aim is the PRODUCTION OF PROJECTS activated in relation to the place. On the other hand, there is a call for projects or works already done in other cities. Under the category PROJECTS OF DOCUMENTATION it is intended to gather works developed in other contexts, thus promoting their diffusion and relation to diverse activities of debate, exhibition and edition organised by IDENSITAT.
Under the motto HOME / AWAY a reference is made either to projects based on working processes that have a medium or large term strategy, as well as to projects intervening in a more specific or incisive way (temporary, transient) in the public space of different places, having the possibility to use the facilities and the existing media in the territory. Moreover it constitutes an inspired theme for the development of proposals. On the one hand it refers to a relationship based in concepts such as the belonging to a territory, identity elements and the cultural structuring in a long time, among others. These references are the other side of the superficial, distant look, the lack of compromise linked to the local territory, the tourist experience, etc. Summarising, it is a feasible project construction based on the tension between the concepts of home and away, both categories usually used in sport competitions.
Under the title PROJECT PRODUCTION there will be six proposals referring indistinctively to these two categories (HOME / AWAY), three of which will be based on the town of Calaf, two on Manresa and one on Mataró.
The authors or collectives who want to present a proposal in this section must explain the basic lines which their project is based on and include the references to the context for a global comprehension, too. The following premises must be taken into account:
Take under consideration aspects that are specific for Calaf, Manresa or Mataró. These elements might be specified, perhaps referring to common elements or contrasting ones, existing among the three different places. Also, referring to aspects which, having been generated in other contexts, have an influence in them.
Detail the process schedule. It is recommended not to exceed the limit of nine months for the work, distributed between December 2006 and November 2007. Although the work schedule is flexible, participants should try and make the moments of exhibition of the projects coincide with the general initiatives of diffusion for the programme IDENSITAT 07 (conferences, debates and exhibitions in the local contexts.)
Consider the development of a workshop for some group of population (associations, groups, collectives, students, etc.) thus society can get involved in the work process. This characteristic is seen as specially appropriate for those projects based on a developmental process.
In reference to the category DOCUMENTATION PROJECTS, a minimum of six proposals will be selected and collected, including a series of theoretical works or specific experiences, developed in other places. The aim is to widen the frame of ideas and approaches through which the intervention in public space is faced with the artistic eye and the cultural action. IDENSITAT will spread out and present the whole of the works according to the different strategies of presentation required by each one, thus adapting to the different actions of the programme.
The proposals presented under this category must detail the project's original characteristics, its references to the specific context where it was developed, or the elements of analysis in the case of theoretical proposals. In the same way, the format that is going to be used must be specified, be it a conference, a programme, an exhibition project, a video project, edition, etc. The presentation of these works will be connected to the IDENSITAT organisation's own criteria and its own publicity activities.
In any case, the organisation has the right to change the number of projects, as well as invite, while the programme is being developed, any other author or collective to participate in IDENSITAT 07 a part from the public call.
The work steps of each project may vary according to the degree of complexity required and its implication to the local context. In reference to the PROJECT PRODUCTION and in those cases the projects will be mainly a process, it is suggested to divide the project into the following different phases:
1) Fieldwork and documentation about the context, with the aim to detail the proposal in the case that it were selected and outline its development according to the ideas that refer to specific contexts. 2) Project production and development of activities with communities, specific collectives or population groups. 3) Formalising communication utilities for the diffusion of the process, either as the project is laid out; or otherwise the process execution is programmed for later, when the closing exhibition will be presented at the end of the IDENSITAT 07 edition.
Each of the three work phases above mentioned demand the presence of the participating artists in the places where the activity will be developed. Dates and length for the work phases will be determined independently, considering any special need for each case.
In the case of those projects that are executed through more specific actions, priority will be given to the specific production in public space or to the use of media and strategies. Thus, the work phases must be defined in accordance to the requirements of the intervention; moreover, there is a minimum initial fieldwork stay in the specific place and another one in the final presentation of the project. Both of them could be complemented with any other necessary stays for the development of activities that might involve any population group in different moments.
In any case the organization might facilitate lodging and a space for working in three determined moments of the project. Also the organisation of IDENSITAT 07 will have a follow-up team who will guarantee the continuous contact with the social groups involved and who will work for the solution of any question related to mediation, communication and management.
The Selection Committee of this public call is constituted by:
Santiago Cirugeda, architect and artist
Amanda Cuesta, independent curator
Alicia Murría, art critic and director of the ARTECONEXTO magazine
Ramon Parramon, director of IDENSITAT
Lorenzo Romito, architect and founding member of STALKER
The economic endowment destined to each selected project in the section PRODUCTION OF PROJECTS will be determined by its budget, having available a maximum amount of 11,000 € (subject to taxes.) The budget presented must detail the production expenses, the fees (up to a 25% of the total) and the transport expenses. In reference to the stay and lodging expenses, these could be partially covered by the organisation, depending on the planning of each project. The production management will be coordinated by the organisation.
In reference to the DOCUMENTATION PROJECTS, the economic endowment might depend on the presentation format of the project; the amount of 300€ has been established as a referential minimum in the case of a conference and a maximum of 1,500 € in the case of more complex formats. The expenses due to transport, lodging and allowances must be presented separately from the initial budget.
In case that the budget of the project exceeds these amounts, the capacity of the participants in the project to obtain a donation from other sources or a sponsor will be taken into account.
See the website: http://www.idensitat.org
Download the rules: http://www.idensitat.org/pdfs/IDENSITAT_Basesang.pdf
Buy artwork off me: http://www.buy.stefanopasquini.net/
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